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1,630 lines
; $VER: Installer_SKRIPT_für_WRITE 4.126 (27-Nov-95) © 1989 - 1995 by Tim Teulings
; Only Experts
(set @user-level 2)
(set @HOME-DIR (expandpath ""))
; Some global strings
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #demo-version (cat "\n"
"Dies ist nur eine Demo-Version!!!\n"
"Wollen sie sich registrieren lassen, so schreiben sie an:"
(set #address (cat "\n"
"Tim Teulings \n"
"An der Dorndelle 16 \n"
"59192 Bergamen (Deutschland) \n"
"MausNet: Tim Teulings @ UN \n"
"InterNet: rael@edge.ping.de \n"
"Und überweisen sie 30 DM auf folgendes Konto: \n"
"Sparkasse Berkamen - Bönen \n"
"BLZ : 410 518 45 \n"
"KontoNr.: 16186496 "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #demo-version (cat "\n"
"This is only a demoversion!!!\n"
"If you want to gegister please write to:"
(set #address (cat "\n"
"Tim Teulings \n"
"An der Dorndelle 16 \n"
"59192 Bergamen (Deutschland) \n"
"MausNet: Tim Teulings @ UN \n"
"InterNet: rael@edge.ping.de \n"
"and transfer 30DM to the following account: \n"
"Sparkasse Berkamen - Bönen \n"
"BLZ : 410 518 45 \n"
"KontoNr.: 16186496 "
; make sure we are running under a 2.04 ROM
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #bad-kick "WRITE läuft nur mit Kickstart 2.0 oder größer!")
(set #intro (cat "\n"
"WRITE - Ein Texteditor\n"
"© 1989-1995 von Tim Teulings\n"
"Dieses Produkt ist Shareware.\n"
"Die Registrierungsgebühr beträgt 30DM.\n"
"Die unregistrierte Version ist leicht eingeschränkt\n"
"und verbietet das Bearbeiten großer Texte.\n"
"Bitte lesen sie das Kapitel `Copyright'\n"
"der Anleitung."
(set #ioerror1 (cat "\n"
(set #ioerror2 (cat "\n"
"Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. \n"
"Bitte informieren sie mich darüber. \n"
"Geben sie dabei genau an wann und unter \n"
"welchen Bedingungen der Fehler aufgetreten\n"
"ist. Schicken sie, wenn vorhanden auch \n"
"bitte das Log-File mit \n"
"Danke. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #bad-kick "WRITE needs OS 2.0+!")
(set #intro (cat "\n"
"WRITE- a texteditor\n"
"@ 1989 - 1995 by Tim Teulings\n"
"This is shareware.\n"
"The registration costs 30DM\n"
"The unregisted version is slighly cut\n"
"and prohibits working on huge files.\n"
"Please read chapter `Copyight'\n"
"in the docs."
(set #ioerror1 (cat "\n"
(set #ioerror2 (cat "\n"
"An error occured. \n"
"Please inform me about this. \n"
"Please give complete and exact information \n"
"in which situation the error occured. \n"
"Send me also, if existing, the logfile \n"
"genereate dby the installer. \n"
"Thank you. "
(< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(message #intro)
(set @default-dest "")
(onerror (
(if (> @ioerr 0)
(message #ioerror1 @ioerr #ioerror2)
) )
; An Pre 4 version found!
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #old-version1 (cat "\n"
"Sie haben bereits eine alte Version von WRITE \n"
"installiert. WRITE wurde inzwischen stark \n"
"überabeitet und wird nun anders installiert \n"
"(Näheres siehe nächste Seite). \n"
"Bevor sie mit der Installation fortfahren, \n"
"machen sie bitte erst eine Sicherheitskopie \n"
"der alten Installation und entfehrnen sie alle\n"
"zu WRITE gehörigen Teile (siehe ebenfalls \n"
"nächste Seite) aus ihrem System. \n"
(set #old-version2 (cat "\n"
" * Die Installation wurde geändert, um die zu \n"
" WRITE gehörigen Daten besser und übersicht- \n"
" licher anzuordnen. \n"
" Auch eine Deinstallation wird so einfacher. \n"
" * Zur Deinstallation ihrer alten Version \n"
" löschen sie bitte nicht nur WRITE selbst \n"
" auch die alten Konfigurationen, den Guide, \n"
" den Quickstarter, die Kataloge.... \n"
(set #old-version3 (cat "\n"
"Kopieren sie außerdem ihren Keyfile in das\n"
"Verzeichnis aus dem sie auch diese Skript \n"
"gestartet haben. \n"
"Ich möchte mich noch einmal besonders bei \n"
"den registrierten Usern für diese \n"
"Umstände entschuldigen und hoffe auf \n"
"Verständnis. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #old-version1 (cat "\n"
"You already have installed an old version of \n"
"WRITE. WRITE was much inproved since your \n"
"version. The installationprocedure has changed\n"
"(please read next page for more infos). \n"
"Before continuing to install please make an \n"
"backup of your old installation and remove all\n"
"files belonging to WRITE (see also next page).\n"
(set #old-version2 (cat "\n"
" * The installationprocedure was changed to \n"
" make the arrangement of the files more \n"
" clear. \n"
" A deinstallation is much simple now. \n"
" * To deinstall your old version please delete\n"
" not only WRITE itself but also your old \n"
" configs, guide, catalogs, quickstarter... \n"
(set #old-version3 (cat "\n"
"Copy also your keyfile in the directory you \n"
"have started this script from. "
(exists "ENV:WRITE")
(message #old-version1)
(message #old-version2)
(exists "ENV:WRITE.KEY")
(message #old-version3)
; Found an Version 4 or higher!?
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #write-found1 (cat "\n"
"Sie haben WRITE bereits installiert. Das Skript \n"
"wird nun ihre Version auf den neusten Stand \n"
"bringen. \n"
"Vorhandene Dateien werden hierbei überschrieben! \n"
"Haben sie Dateien der Standarddistribution \n"
"verändert (hautsächlich Konfigurationen und \n"
"Module), so machen sie sich bitte von diesen SELBST\n"
"Sicherheitskopien. "
(set #write-found2 (cat "\n"
(if (= @language "English")
(set #write-found1 (cat "\n"
"You already have installed WRITE. This script will \n"
"make your version up to date. \n"
"Existing files will be overwritten! \n"
"If you have changed parts of the standard- \n"
"distribution (configs and modules) please make a \n"
"backup of your data on your own NOW! "
(set #write-found2 (cat "\n"
(exists "ENV:WRITEPATH")
(message #write-found1)
(message #write-found2)
(set KEY (getenv "WRITEPATH"))
(set KEY (tackon KEY "WRITE.KEY"))
(exists KEY)
; Installieren von WRITE
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #write-dir1 (cat "\n"
"Ab Version 4 ist es nun möglich (fast) alle \n"
"zu WRITE gehörigen Dateien in ein Verzeichnis\n"
"zu kopieren. \n"
"Bitte geben sie im Folgenden nun an, in \n"
"welches Verzeichnis sie WRITE kopiert haben \n"
"möchten. \n"
"Benutzen sie BITTE ein eigenes Verzeichnis \n"
"für WRITE! "
(set #write-dir2 (cat "Wohin sollen 'WRITE' und alle hinzu-\n"
"gehörigen Dateien kopiert werden?"
(set #write-dir3 "Kopiere 'WRITE' nach:")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #write-dir1 (cat "\n"
"Since version 4 ist is now possible to copy \n"
"(nearly) all files in one directory. \n"
"Please tell now zo which directory you want \n"
"the files copied to. \n"
"Please use an own directory for WRITE!!! "
(set #write-dir2 (cat "Where do want 'WRITE' and all its data to\n"
"be copied to?"
(set #write-dir3 "Copy 'WRITE' to:")
(exists "ENV:WRITEPATH")
(set @WRITE-DIR (getenv "WRITEPATH"))
(message #write-dir1)
(askdir (prompt #write-dir2)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "sys:WRITE")
(set @WRITE-FULL (tackon @WRITE-DIR "WRITE"))
(copyfiles (prompt #write-dir3
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "WRITE")
(dest @WRITE-DIR)
(set @default-dest @WRITE-DIR)
; Setzen der Umgebungsvariablen WRITEPATH
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #env-write "Setze ENV:WRITEPATH")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #env-write "Setting ENV:WRITEPATH")
(working #env-write)
(textfile (prompt "")
(help "")
(append @WRITE-DIR)
; Setzen der Umgebungsvariablen WRITEPATH für immer
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #envarc-write "Setze ENVARC:WRITEPATH")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #envarc-write "Setting ENVARC:WRITEPATH")
(working #envarc-write)
(textfile (prompt "")
(help "")
(append @WRITE-DIR)
; Installieren von QuickWrite - dem Quickstarter
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #qw1 (cat "\n"
"Wollen sie auch QuickWrite, den Quickstarter\n"
"von WRITE installiert haben? \n"
"Er stellt fest, ob WRITE bereits gestartet \n"
"worden ist, und startet ihn, falls nicht. \n"
"Anschließend werden die übergebenen \n"
"Kommandos über den AREXX-Port an WRITE \n"
"weitergeleitet. \n"
"Der Quickstarter muß nicht ins gleiche Ver- \n"
"zeichnis wie WRITE kopiert werden, sollte \n"
"sich aber im Suchpfad befinden! "
(set #qw2 (cat "\n"
"Welchen Namen soll der Quickstarter erhalten?"
(set #qw3 "Wohin wollen sie den Quickstarter kopiert haben?")
(set #qw4 "Kopiere 'QuickWrite' nach:\n")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #qw1 (cat "\n"
"Do you want to have quickwrite, the quick- \n"
"starter for WRITE, to be installed? \n"
"It tests if WRITE was started and starts it \n"
"if not. After that the given files are \n"
"loaded via the arexxport of WRITE. \n"
"The quickstarter needs not to be installed \n"
"in the same directory as WRITE but it should\n"
"be in the searchpath! "
(set #qw2 (cat "\n"
"Which name should the quickstarter have? "
(set #qw3 "Where do you want quickwrite to be copied to?")
(set #qw4 "Copying 'quickwrite' to:")
(askbool (prompt #qw1)
(help "")
(set @QS-NAME
(askstring (prompt #qw2)
(help "")
(default "WED")
(set @QS-PATH
(askdir (prompt #qw3)
(help "")
(default @WRITE-DIR)
(set @QS-NEW (tackon @QS-PATH @QS-NAME))
(copyfiles (prompt #qw4
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "QuickWrite")
(dest @QS-PATH)
(newname @QS-NAME)
(protect @QS-NEW "+r +w +e +d +p")
; Installieren der garbagecollector- und write.library
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #libs (cat "\n"
"Es werden nun folgende Libraries installiert:\n"
"garbagecollector.library \n"
" * Zuständig für die Speicherverwaltung \n"
" von WRITE. \n"
"write.library \n"
" * Bietet einige nützliche Funktionen für \n"
" externe Programme. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #libs (cat "\n"
"The following libraries will be installed now:\n"
"garbagecollector.library \n"
" * Necessary for the memorymanagement of \n"
" WRITE \n"
"write.library \n"
" * Offers some usefull functions for \n"
" external programms. "
(message #libs)
; Installieren der garbagecollector.library
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #garbage (cat "Installiere die\n"
"nach LIBS:"
(set #garbageh (cat "Die 'GarbageCollector.library' ist für die "
"Funktion von 'WRITE' unbedingt nötig. "
"Sie organisiert die Speicherverwaltung."
(if (= @language "English")
(set #garbage (cat "Copying\n"
"to LIBS:"
(set #garbageh (cat "The 'garbagecollector.library' is necessary "
"for WRITE and must be installed. It work "
"it the memoryrorganisation for WRITE"
(copylib (prompt #garbage)
(help #garbageh)
(source "LIBS/garbagecollector.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
; Installieren der write.library
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #writelib (cat "Installiere die\n"
"nach LIBS:"
(set #writelibh (cat "Die 'write.library' ist für die "
"Funktion von 'WRITE' NICHT unbedingt nötig, wird aber "
" z.B. vom Quickstarter benutzt und sollte deshalb "
"auch installiert werden."
(if (= @language "English")
(set #writelib (cat "Copying\n"
"to LIBS:"
(set #writelibh (cat "The 'write.library' is not necessary for WRITE, but is used "
"for example the quickstarter and should be installed, too"
(copylib (prompt #writelib)
(help #writelibh)
(source "LIBS/write.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
; Installieren der hui.library
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #otherlib1 (cat "\n"
"Desweiteren werden die 'hui.library', die \n"
"js_tools.library sowie einige externe \n"
"BOOPSI-Klassen installiert: \n"
"Die hui.library ist zuständig für die font-\n"
"sensitive Oberfläche von WRITE. \n"
"© scroller.gadget, select.image, \n"
" fuelgauge.image: Hartmut Goebel \n"
"© textfile.gadget: Mark Thomas \n"
"© js_tools.library: J. Schmitz "
(set #otherlib2 (cat "Installiere die\n"
"nach LIBS:"
(set #otherlib2h (cat "Die hui.library ist zuständig für die fontsensitive "
"Oberfläche von WRITE und wird unbedingt benötigt!"
(set #otherlib3 (cat "Installiere die\n"
"nach LIBS:"
(set #otherlib3h (cat "Die js_tools.library implementiert ein leistungstarkes Listgadget "
"welches von der hui.library und damit auch von WRITE benötigt wird."
(set #otherlib4 "Kopiere\n")
(set #otherlib5 "nach:\n")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #otherlib1 (cat "\n"
"Also 'hui.library', 'js_tools.library' and \n"
"some external boopsi-classes are installed \n"
"now: \n"
"The 'hui.library' is necessary for the \n"
"fontsensitive gui of WRITE. \n"
"© scroller.gadget, select.image, \n"
" fuelgauge.image: Hartmut Goebel \n"
"© textfile.gadget: Mark Thomas \n"
"© js_tools.library: J. Schmitz "
(set #otherlib2 (cat "Copying\n"
"to LIBS:\n"
(set #otherlib2h (cat "The hui.library is responsible for the fontsensitive "
"gui and must be installed!"
(set #otherlib3 (cat "Copying\n"
"to LIBS:"
(set #otherlib3h (cat "'js_tools.library' implements a powerfull listgadget, which is used "
"by hui.library and so must be installed!"
(set #otherlib4 "Copying\n")
(set #otherlib5 "to:\n")
(message #otherlib1)
(copylib (prompt #otherlib2)
(help #otherlib2h)
(source "LIBS/hui.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(copylib (prompt #otherlib3)
(help #otherlib3h)
(source "LIBS/js_tools.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(exists "sys:classes")
(set @GADGETS-DIR "SYS:classes/gadgets")
(set @IMAGES-DIR "SYS:classes/images")
(makedir "LIBS:gadgets")
(makedir "LIBS:images")
(set @GADGETS-DIR "LIBS:gadgets")
(set @IMAGES-DIR "LIBS:images")
(copylib (prompt #otherlib4
(help "")
(source "LIBS/gadgets/scroller.gadget")
(copylib (prompt #otherlib4
(help "")
(source "LIBS/gadgets/textfield.gadget")
(copylib (prompt #otherlib4
(help "")
(source "LIBS/images/fuelgauge.image")
(dest @IMAGES-DIR)
(copylib (prompt #otherlib4
(help "")
(source "LIBS/images/select.image")
(dest @IMAGES-DIR)
; Installieren der garbagecollector Prefs
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #garbprefs1 (cat "\n"
"Soll das Preferences-Programm\n"
"kopiert werden?\n"
"Über dieses Programm kann die GarbageCollector.library "
"konfiguriert werden."
(set #garbprefs1h (cat "Über das GabargePrefs-Programm kann die Speicherzuteilung und Nutzung"
"für den Garbagecollector und damit auch für WRITE optimal eingestellt "
"werden. Nur durch das GarbagePrefs-Programm wird die 'garbagecolletor.library' "
"optimal konfiguriert!"
(set #garbprefs2 (cat "Wohin soll das Preferences-Programm\n"
"kopiert werden?"
(set #garbprefs3 "Entpacke prefs/GarbagePrefs.lha nach \"%s\"")
(set #garbprefs4 (cat "\n"
"GarbagePrefs wird nun gestartet! \n"
"Selektieren sie das Menü 'Editieren/Werte \n"
"vorschlagen' und speichern sie danach ab. \n"
"Lesen sie später, falls sie mit der \n"
"Speicherbenutzung von WRITE nicht zufrieden\n"
"sind, den Text 'GarbageCollector.LiesMich',\n"
"um den GarbageCollector noch besser an ihr \n"
"System anzupassen. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #garbprefs1 (cat "\n"
"Do you want the preferencesprogramm\n"
"to be installed?\n"
"With the use of this programm you can configure\n"
"the garbagecollector.library"
(set #garbprefs1h (cat "With this programm you can optimal set the memory-access and -use "
"of the garbagecollector and there for WRITE, too. Only with this "
"programm you are able to configure the library in an optimal way!"
(set #garbprefs2 (cat "Where should the preferencesprogramm\n"
"copied to?"
(set #garbprefs3 "Extracting prefs/GarbagePrefs.lha to \"%s\"")
(set #garbprefs4 (cat "\n"
"GarbagePrefs will be started now! \n"
"Select item 'Editieren/Werte vorschlagen' \n"
"and save after that. \n"
"Read later, if you are not pleased with the\n"
"memoryuse of WRITE, the text \n"
"'GarbageCollector.Liesmich' to optimaly \n"
"configure the collector to your needs. "
(if (askbool (prompt #garbprefs1)
(help #garbprefs1h)
(askdir (prompt #garbprefs2)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:Prefs")
(set @PREFS-FULL (tackon @PREFS-DIR "GarbagePrefs"))
(if (not (or (patmatch "#?:" @PREFS-DIR) (patmatch "#?/" @PREFS-DIR)))
(set @PREFS-DIR (cat @PREFS-DIR "/"))
(working (#garbprefs3 @PREFS-DIR))
(run ("c/lx -m x prefs/GarbagePrefs.lha \"%s\"" @PREFS-DIR))
(message #garbprefs4)
(run ("\"%s\"" @PREFS-FULL))
; Installieren des Keyfiles
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #key "Kopiere 'WRITE.KEY' nach:")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #key "Copying 'WRITE.KEY' to:")
(if (exists "WRITE.KEY")
(copyfiles (prompt #key
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "WRITE.KEY")
(dest @WRITE-DIR)
; Kopieren der Konfiguration
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #config "Kopiere die Konfigurationen nach:\n")
(set #configh "Der Standardkonfigurationsfile sowie einige Beispielkonfigurationen.")
(set #config2 "Lösche ")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #config "Copying the configurations to:\n")
(set #configh "The standardconfiguration and some other examples")
(set #config2 "Deleting ")
(set @CONFIG-DIR (tackon @WRITE-DIR "Config"))
(if (not (exists @CONFIG-DIR))
(makedir @CONFIG-DIR)
(copyfiles (prompt #config
(help #configh)
(source "Config/")
(dest @CONFIG-DIR)
(foreach @CONFIG-DIR "#?.pp"
(set @PP-FILE (tackon @CONFIG-DIR @each-name))
(delete @PP-FILE
(prompt #config2
(help "")
; Kopieren der Module
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #module1 "Kopiere die Module nach:\n")
(set #module2 "Lösche ")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #module1 "Copying the modules to:\n")
(set #module2 "Deleting ")
(set @MODULE-DIR (tackon @WRITE-DIR "Module"))
(if (not (exists @MODULE-DIR))
(makedir @MODULE-DIR)
(copyfiles (prompt #module1
(help "")
(source "Module/")
(dest @MODULE-DIR)
(foreach @MODULE-DIR "#?.pp"
(set @PP-FILE (tackon @MODULE-DIR @each-name))
(delete @PP-FILE
(prompt #module2
(help "")
; Installieren der Default-Icons
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #icons1 (cat "\n"
"Kopiere die Default-Icons für das App-Icon\n"
"und das Text-Icon nach: \n"
(set #icons2 (cat "\n"
"Diese können von Ihnen durch beliebige \n"
"andere ersetzt werden. WRITE wird sich \n"
"jedoch beschweren, wenn sie sie weglassen."
(if (= @language "English")
(set #icons1 (cat "\n"
"Copying the default-icons for the app-icon\n"
"and the text-icon to: \n"
(set #icons2 (cat "\n"
"This icons can be exanged by other icons \n"
"any time. But WRITE will ensist on them, \n"
"don't remove them "
(set @ICON-DIR (tackon @WRITE-DIR "Icons"))
(if (not (exists @ICON-DIR))
(makedir @ICON-DIR)
(copyfiles (prompt #icons1
(help "")
(source "icons/")
(dest @ICON-DIR)
(Pattern "WRITE_#?.info")
; now copy the catalogs
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #lang (cat "Welche Sprachen sollen installiert werden?\n"
"Besitzen sie z.B. bereits eine deutschsprachige "
"Version von WRITE, brauchen sie nicht extra "
"einen Katalog installieren!"
(set #langh (cat "Eine sehr nützliche Sache:\n"
"'WRITE' unterstützt die 'locale.library', "
"welche ab OS 2.1 vorhanden ist.\n"
"'WRITE' kann damit in weiten Teilen "
"sprachlich angepasst werden!"
(if (= @language "English")
(set #lang (cat "Which languages do want to be installed? \n"
"Note that if you have an german version of\n"
"WRITE you do not need an german catalog! "
(set #langh (cat "A usefull thing:\n"
"'WRITE' supports the 'locale.library' available for OS 2.1+. "
"In consequense 'WRITE' kann be addapted in many parts to any language."
(if (>= (/ (getversion "LIBS:locale.library") 65536) 38)
(set lang (askoptions (prompt #lang)
(help #langh)
(choices "english")
(default 0)
(set n 0)
(set language (select n "english"
(if (IN lang n)
(set target (tackon "Locale:Catalogs" language))
(makedir target)
(copyfiles (source (cat "LOCALE/Catalogs/" language))
(dest target)
(set n (+ n 1))
; Abfrage, welche Anleitungen installiert werden sollen
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #docs "Welche Anleitungen möchten sie installiert bekommen?")
(set #docsh (cat "WRITE.guide - Die Anleitung im Amigaguide-Format.\n"
" (notwendig für die Onlinehilfe!) \n"
"WRITE.makeinfo - Ein .makeinfo-File der Anleitung \n"
" (benötigt makeinfo/texinfo! Nicht \n"
" in der Demoversion!) \n"
"Garbage..Mich - Textfile über den GarbageCollector \n"
" (Wichtig, unbedingt lesen!) "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #docs "Which documents do you want to have installed?")
(set #docsh (cat "WRITE.guide - The documentation as guide. \n"
" Necessary fo the online-help \n"
"WRITE.makeinfo - A .makeinfo-file of the docs \n"
" (needs makeinfo/texinfo! Not \n"
" available in the demoversion!) \n"
"Garbage..Mich - text about the garbagecollector \n"
" (Important, please read!) "
(prompt #docs)
(help #docsh)
(choices "WRITE.guide"
(default 1)
; Installieren von WRITE.guide
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #guide1 "Entpacke Docs/WRITE.guide.lha nach \"%s\"")
(set #guide2 "Kopiere 'WRITE.guide' nach:\n")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #guide1 "Extracting Docs/WRITE.guide.lha to \"%s\"")
(set #guide2 "Copying 'WRITE.guide' to:\n")
(set @GUIDE-DIR (tackon @WRITE-DIR "docs"))
(set @GUIDE-FULL (tackon @GUIDE-DIR "WRITE.guide"))
(if (not (exists @GUIDE-DIR))
(makedir @GUIDE-DIR)
(exists "Docs/write.guide.lha")
(if (not (or (patmatch "#?:" @GUIDE-DIR) (patmatch "#?/" @GUIDE-DIR)))
(set @GUIDE-DIR (cat @GUIDE-DIR "/"))
(working (#guide1 @GUIDE-DIR))
(run ("c/lx -m x Docs/WRITE.guide.lha #? \"%s\"" @GUIDE-DIR))
(copyfiles (prompt #guide2
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "WRITE.guide")
(dest @GUIDE-DIR)
(tooltype (prompt "Setzte DefaultTool...")
(help "Nichts Gefährliches!")
(dest @GUIDE-FULL)
; Installieren von WRITE.makeinfo
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #makeinfo1 (cat "Wohin soll das Archiv mit dem makeinfo-File\n"
"kopiert werden?"
(set #makeinfo2 "Entpacke Docs/WRITE.makeinfo.lha nach \"%s\"")
(set #makeinfo3 "\n\nDer makeinfo-File liegt nur der Vollversion bei!")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #makeinfo1 (cat "Where do you want the makeinfo-file \n"
"'WRITE.makeinfo.lha' to be copied to?"
(set #makeinfo2 "Extracting Docs/WRITE.makeinfo.lha nach \"%s\"")
(set #makeinfo3 "\n\nThe makeinfo-file is only available in the full-version")
(set @DVI-DIR
(askdir (prompt #makeinfo1)
(default "TEX:")
(help @askdir-help)
(set @DVI-FULL (tackon @DVI-DIR "WRITE.makeinfo.lha"))
(if (not (or (patmatch "#?:" @DVI-DIR) (patmatch "#?/" @DVI-DIR)))
(set @DVI-DIR (cat @DVI-DIR "/"))
(working (#makeinfo2 @DVI-DIR))
(run ("c/lx -m x Docs/WRITE.makeinfo.lha #? \"%s\"" @DVI-DIR))
(message #makeinfo3)
; Installieren von GarbageCollector.LiesMich
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #colldoc1 (cat "Wohin soll die GarbageCollector-Anleitung\n"
"kopiert werden?"
(set #colldoc2 "Entpacke Docs/GarbageCollector.lha nach \"%s\"")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #colldoc1 (cat "Where do you want the garbagecollector-doc\n"
"to be copied to?"
(set #colldoc2 "Extracting Docs/GarbageCollector.lha to \"%s\"")
(set @COLL-DIR
(askdir (prompt #colldoc1)
(default @GUIDE-DIR)
(help @askdir-help)
(set @COLL-FULL (tackon @COLL-DIR "GarbageCollector.LiesMich"))
(if (not (or (patmatch "#?:" @COLL-DIR) (patmatch "#?/" @COLL-DIR)))
(set @COLL-DIR (cat @COLL-DIR "/"))
(working (#colldoc2 @COLL-DIR))
(run ("c/lx -m x Docs/GarbageCollector.lha #? \"%s\"" @COLL-DIR))
(tooltype (prompt "Setzte DefaultTool...")
(help "Nichts Gefährliches!")
(dest @COLL-FULL)
(setdefaulttool @WRITE-FULL)
; Installieren der REXX-Script
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #rexx "Entpacke REXX-Skripts nach \"%s\"")
(if (= @language "English")
(set #rexx "Extracting REXX-scripts to \"%s\"")
(set @REXX-DIR (tackon @WRITE-DIR "REXX"))
(if (not (exists @REXX-DIR))
(makedir @REXX-DIR)
(if (not (or (patmatch "#?:" @REXX-DIR) (patmatch "#?/" @REXX-DIR)))
(set @REXX-DIR (cat @REXX-DIR "/"))
(working (#rexx @REXX-DIR))
(run ("c/lx -m x REXX/REXX.lha #? \"%s\"" @REXX-DIR))
; Ändern der user-startup
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #startup1 (cat "Füge folgende Zeile in die \n"
"user-startup ein: \n"
(set #startup2 (cat "\n"
"Dadurch können REXX-Skripte\n"
"aus WRITE heraus ohne Pfad-\n"
"angabe gestartet werden. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #startup1 (cat "Adding the following lines\n"
" to your user-startup: \n"
(set #startup2 (cat "\n"
"Doing this you can execute \n"
"the rexx-scripts from WRITE\n"
"without giving a path. "
(startup "WRITE"
(prompt #startup1
(help "")
(command @USERSTARTUP)
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #nearend (cat "\n"
"Lesen sie nun den Text 'Garbage-Collector.Liesmich'\n"
"sowie das Kapitel Installation in der Anleitung. \n"
"Veränderen sie dann anschließend gegebenenfalls, \n"
"wie auch im Kapitel 'Installation' der Anleitung \n"
"beschrieben, die Tooltypes des WRITE-Icons. "
(if (= @language "English")
(set #nearend (cat "\n"
"Read now the text 'Garbage-Collector.Liesmich' and \n"
"the chapter 'Installation' in the documentation. \n"
"Change the if necessary and as descripted in the \n"
"chapter 'Installation' in the docs, too, the \n"
"tooltypes. "
(message #nearend @CONFIGFULL ".")
(message #demo-version)
(message #address)
(if (= @language "Deutsch")
(set #end (cat "\n"
"\nDie Installation ist nun beendet.\n"
"Ich wünsche ihnen viel Spaß mit dieser Version von\n"
"Tim Teulings"
(if (= @language "English")
(set #end (cat "\n"
"The installation is now finished.\n"
"I wish you a lot of fun with this version of\n"
"Tim Teulings"
(message #end)